Tugasan 5 -Information requirement analysis


 a.              1.Close ended question - it use "how long".
                       2.Open ended question - ask question for responsibilities.
2                     3.Open ended question - it ask type of report.
                       4.Open ended question - it ask for opinion.
                            5.Open ended question - it ask for opinion.
                            6.Open ended question - it ask for opinion.
                            7.Close ended question - it ask for opinion.
                            8.Close ended question -  ask question for decisions
                            9.Close ended question - ask question for decisions

Conclusion : We find that all those question it using close question. This is because starting with closed, moving ended, and ending with closed questions

1. How long have you been in this position?
2. What are your key responsibilities?
3. What reports do you receive?
4. How do you view the goals of your department?
5. How would you describe your decision making process?
6. How can that process best be supported?
7. How frequently do you make those decisions?
8. Who is consulted when you make a decision?
9. What is the one decision you make that is essential to departmental functioning?
10. Do you use the web to provide information to vendors?
11. What makes you feel that way?
12. Is this form complete?

The interviewer shall focus to the main objective to find out the core or their main purpose for the interview session. Their target is to collect as much possible data from the interviewee.
The missing information is the current system efficiency and availibility to their respective company.

The extraneous information is the session has been drag to far from their target to collect the data and somehow they had been talk about the history of the business instead the nature of the system.


3 Suggestion to improve the interview session in future:

1. The interviewer shall prepare all the related question and  get the company profile  so they could manipulate the question.

2. The interviewer shall had the ability and strength to stay in the main issue and prepare to avoid any non-related information so they could save the time.

3. Buddy to buddy system. Put the interviewer in pair so they can remind each other and help to focus in their target.

3 Reason why they should use the survey :

1. Geography factor. This company operated in 30 cities with limitation of time and resource so the 
    best solution is survey. Any staff can access the survey, anytime in their most convenient way.

2. For sure the had thousand of staff with various background and almost impossible if we conduct 
    an interview. Pick them in random shall meet the purpose.

3. The survey is more specific and they had no choice to manipulate the data.


Combination of open ended and close ended question will suited in most situation. My argument is open ended will leave all possible response options open to respondent. There is no right or wrong for this type of question. It really time consuming if you working in certain limitation.Then, close ended question will  limit or close the the response option available to the respondent. Resulted in less time consuming but at the same time you get all the data. 

In conclusion,  close ended question will work beneficially if  involve in large number of people. The trade off for the close ended question is you will get fast speed of completion, ease of analysis, minor difficult to prepare the questionnaire and low result of exploratory nature.

 4A.  Interval scales.

 4B.   "When the residential customer call, i always greet them in most suitable ways then fulfill their need and then also  redirect  them to our website to get the better overview and answer"

5A. Nominal scales.
B.  The errors have been made are :
     The choice arrangement are out of order. What happen for the employee that has been serve to 
     the company between  > 15 - 20 years. The possible response is to add up another choice for 
      this group.
C.  The question should be rewrite in this form :
       "You have been serve with this company for :"